Founded in the New Forest, England by Mark Jones, Jones basses ethos is simply to connect their instruments with the land and materials they are surrounded by. Ever since a child Mark has worked closely with wood and studied the workings both inside and out of each guitar he had the pleasure to own and play.

Being located in the New Forest is an essential part of what makes a Jones bass a Jones Bass. Taking inspiration from the landscape and the local materials Mark is able to create truly unique instruments that offer familiarity to the player but with a build quality that second to none.


Resurrecting the boutique era.

Building on the shoulders of giants, Jones basses style harps back to an era reminiscent of the late 70’s and early 80’s British/American boutique bass builders. Inspired by the likes of Wal, Jaydee, Alembic, Ken Smith and Fodera, Jones strives to keep alight the art of boutique bass manufacturing by hand crafting their instruments in the image and with the techniques employed by the masters gone before.


The sound?

Our basses are full of clarity, resonance and sustain with a clear voice articulation. Playability is the priority with each bass boasting low action and a slim and slick neck profile to insure maximum precision and agility for the player.

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